KrX Youthplex Ingredient Spotlight: Volufiline™

KrX Youthplex Ingredient Spotlight: Volufiline™

Posted by Sarah Kinsler-Holloway on

The search for natural alternatives to fillers has led to the rise of exciting new ingredients like Volufiline™, a trademarked ingredient derived from the root of an Asian plant called Anemarrhena asphodeloides.


The science behind Volufiline™ is still evolving, but research suggests it may work through several mechanisms: 

Adipogenesis Stimulation: Volufiline™ might stimulate the production and growth of new adipocytes (the fat cells responsible for giving our skin a plump and youthful appearance) within the skin. 

Lipogenesis Enhancement: It could potentially enhance the process of lipogenesis, where the body stores fat for energy.

Blood Flow Improvement: Some studies suggest Volufiline™ may improve blood circulation in the skin, promoting better nutrient delivery and cellular function.

All of the above may lead to:

  • Reduced appearance of fine lines + wrinkles by promoting a plumper appearance
  • Enhanced facial contours by an increase in volume in specific areas which could lead to a more defined and youthful facial contour.
  • Some studies suggest Volufiline™ may contribute to better skin hydration, leading to a plumper and dewier complexion.

The Future of Natural Volumizers

Topical Volufiline™ represents a step forward in the search for natural alternatives to injectable fillers which I feel is important.  Just 10 years ago med spas assured us that fillers naturally dissolved over time. Now we're finding out that fillers don't necessarily dissolve, they just migrate. 

KrX's Youthplex line is an amazing pro-aging skincare line which utilizes Volufiline™. When used consistently clients will absolutely notice a difference in their skin, both in volume and brightness.  It's a great alterative to offer our clients, especially as we're seeing a need for alternatives to injectables.


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