5 Things Every Esthetician's Website Needs - by Kin Aesthetics

5 Things Every Esthetician's Website Needs

Posted by Sarah Kinsler-Holloway on

A secret hobby of mine is building and updating websites. I think it's because it fulfills a creative void somewhere.

Here are five tips of what I believe are must-haves for a successful website for estheticians.

Add Value 

If acne is your thing, I highly recommend creating a page dedicated to acne info, including a downloadable PDF that has a list of acne safe makeup, haircare, supplements, and more.  Your acne bootcamp clients could refer anytime they're thinking of buying/trying something new.  

This is a great way to add value to your service and business in general.

If acne isn't your thing, but you want it to be, I highly recommend checking out MBK Acne Detective Class. It's not product specific and is a wealth of information. 

An Online Store

Retail should be 50% of your profits.  When we hear about solo estheticians hitting those high sales goals, it's most likely because they're really good at selling retail.   An online store will make it easy for your customers to shop with you at any time.  Just think of the little ca-ching notifications going off while you're sleeping. 

As many of you know I'm working on a Shopify class for estheticians - I promise it's coming soon!


Optimized Content for SEO

Every single photo or piece of uploaded content should be named for SEO purposes.  This will help your website rank higher on google and it's worth the time and tedious effort. 


Branded Content

Having photos of yourself, your space and your treatments adds value to your brand.  It also lets you control the overall look and feel of your website.  


Optimized for Mobile

Have you ever looked at the analytics of your website or booking site? I would bet at least 80% of the visitors are accessing your website from their mobile phones. Make sure your website is mobile friendly, meaning make sure everything fits on screen, there aren't any weird gaps, and everything looks esthetically pleasing. 



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  • Please do a Shopify class!

    Cynthia Kopylec on

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