How to Develop Partnerships with Other Businesses in Your Area

How to Develop Partnerships with Other Businesses in Your Area

Posted by Sarah Kinsler-Holloway on

Building strong partnerships with other local businesses can be a game-changer for estheticians. By collaborating with complementary businesses, we can create synergistic marketing efforts, broaden our customer base, and foster community connections. Here’s a quick guide we've put together on how to develop these relationships, from identifying potential partners to maintaining a fruitful connection.


Step 1: Identify Potential Partners

a. Research Local Businesses:

  • Complementary Services + Customer Overlap: Look for businesses that offer services or products that complement your business. Examples include yoga studios, hair salons, wellness centers, boutique gyms, functional medicine doctors, and bridal shops.
  • Reputation and Values: Partner with businesses that have a good reputation and share similar values or target demographics.

b. Analyze the Fit:

  • Customer Demographics: Ensure their customer base aligns with your ideal clients. Everyones ideal client will vary, but I bet some commonalities amongst estheticians include: has expendable income, and cares about the way they look. 
  • Business Goals: Understand their goals and see how a partnership could align with both your objectives. 
  • Previous Collaborations: Check if they have a history of successful partnerships and how they managed those relationships.  If collaboration is new to you, they may have insight as to what has worked in the past!

Step 2: Make A Connection

  • Support Their Business: In person is always best. Take a day to make an in-person stop to introduce yourself + your business. Inquire about their business and what they do. It's almost like dating.  Make it about them, and not so much about you.  I always started by sharing their business on my social media and tagging them.  I would also offer the owner a free treatment. This will help build trust and gives them an example of the amazing services you provide. Once you've created contact, you have to continue to build on the relationship. 


Step 3: Show Appreciation

  • Acknowledge Referrals: Recognize and appreciate each and every referral. A simple thank you text goes a long way. 


It's really that simple. The hardest part is putting yourself out there. But remember, what's the worst thing that can happen? Sure they can say no, but they don't get to determine your success. So don't let it stop you from trying again with a different local business! 

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