6 Holiday Gift Ideas for your OG Clients

6 Holiday Gift Ideas for your OG Clients

Posted by Sarah Kinsler-Holloway on

It's the season of gift-giving. Here are some meaningful yet cost-effective gift ideas for your OG clients:

  1. Handwritten Thank-You Notes: A heartfelt, handwritten note expressing your gratitude for their loyalty can be incredibly meaningful. Personalize each note with a specific memory or experience you've shared.

  2. Custom Skincare Samples: Create custom skincare sample sets tailored to each client's skin type and concerns. Include a note explaining how to use them for the best results.

  3. Custom Scented Candles: If your spa has a branded scent, consider having it made into a candle for your client.

  4. Mini Holiday Plants: Miniature potted plants like succulents or small Christmas cacti can brighten up their space and provide a touch of nature.

  5. Exclusive Discounts: Offer your clients exclusive discounts or promotions on skincare.

  6. Gift Card: Get them a gift card to their favorite restaurant, bookstore, or someplace else they've mentioned they love!

A great website to get wholesale products from is Faire. I've used them often and I am always amazed by the products and quality!

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